We do more than just make great wine. Apart from working with great distillers, winemakers, growers and our nationwide network of partners, multiple times each year we get an opportunity to be part of something special; to help kids. Through our partnerships below, we get to lend a hand in preserving the safety and health during a child's formative years.


Our vision is to fulfill God’s promise “to set the lonely in families.” Our goal is to see every child in a safe, loving family.  We work toward this goal by mobilizing church communities to care for vulnerable children.

We know many people are unaware of the child welfare crisis. We also know when people become aware, they many times would like to get involved but aren’t sure where to start.  That’s where we come in. 

Promise686 equips churches to:

  • Raise awareness around the needs of vulnerable children
  • Help prevent children from going into foster care by supporting biological families in need
  • Recruit and equip foster & adoptive families
  • Create Care Communities for those caring for at-risk kids

We call this model Family Advocacy Ministries (FAMs). Ultimately, our hope is to see every child in a safe, loving family, forever. FAMs help us get closer to this goal by creating support systems for foster & adoptive families, and biological families in crisis. 


Promise686 doesn’t decide whether a child goes into the child welfare system…that’s up to the state. However, we know when the state does intervene, it’s time for the Church to intervene. Did you know there are over 400,000 children in the U.S. foster care system and over 300,00 churches in America? That means, if every church could raise up one foster family, we’d have enough homes for these vulnerable children.

But fostering is a tough job. Without support, it can feel nearly impossible to continue. In fact, the national average of families who continue fostering after their first year is about 50%, but when supported by a Promise686 Family Advocacy Ministry and its Care Communities, 90% continue fostering into a second year.

That’s why we’re on a mission to mobilize churches to create this much-needed support for foster families. Our network is made up of over 1,300 churches & FAMs nationwide.


Promise686 staff works with our partners to train new leaders across the nation through Virtual Clinics. These Clinics equip individuals to create and lead successful FAMs within their local church.


Because of our generous donors, we’re able to continue mobilizing churches across the country. While we currently serve 281 Georgia churches, we work with 35 affiliates in 34 states to serve over 1,300 churches nationwide.

The Passion Foundation

Our mission is to raise funds to construct shade structures over play areas to limit UV exposure for children in elementary school in Georgia and Florida. We will also fight against this disease through education and prevention.

Our goal is to raise funds to cover play grounds with shade tents to help decrease the sun exposure of our children. These structures can block out 96% of harmful UV rays and lower the temperature 15-20 degrees underneath. We can help mitigate melanoma by providing shade for our children. While melanoma accounts for about 3% of all cancers, it accounts for 75% of all cancer deaths.  In our children, 23% of their sun damage is done by the time they are 18.

Covering playgrounds gives these kids an extra 45 minutes of coverage from the sun while they enjoy their time outside during P.E. or recess. We are proud to be working with a local company, Shades Abound to put up the structures.